Monday, September 04, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend was awesome... Friday night, mostly wandering and heart to hearts with Tal and Jenny. We went to Chupitos which is Spanish for "shots". The shots were only 1.50 and very tasty.

I got drunk, again! I can't keep up with these Spaniards, they're fucking nuts! The top picture from left to right there is Rachel, friend from home; the infamous Jenny; me; and finally Natalia. We made her take a lot of shots.

The most fun was Saturday night. It was Quenton's last night before he goes back to Paris to wait 6 days to screw his girlfriend, at least that's what he kept saying. His friends were pretty damn cute, especially the 22 year-old Italian. We kissed, but the stupid Belgium we called Mr. Waffles yanked him away! It's all good though, he must've been jealous because he was clinging to Italy most of the night. Anyway, Italy has my number, but I don't think he'll call. Oh well, not exactly looking for anything anyway, especially since I'm a little hung up on people back home. Besides, I'd rather no skeazy Italians... j/k. Here's Quenton and his boys plus Rachel toward the end of the night after a few shots of Absinth. We'll miss you Quenton! It goes Christian (Italy), Quenton, Hennes (Germany), Rachel, Giome (Mr. Waffles) and all the way in the back is Chris.

Here's another one, Chris is in the middle and Quenton as La Oveja Negra. How flipping hilarious is here, I swear we were joking about it the entire night. Here's a better one of Italy with Quenton and half of Jon aka Peter Pan's head. Until next time, my dears.

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