Saturday, September 09, 2006


Ok, so ILP is almost over. Thank god, it's miserable hell. We have a five page paper to write by tuesday, all in Spanish. I think Wednesday was the most hilarious day in class ever. We've all given up. In first period, Catalan, Tal put an ant on my paper and I decided to make it my pet. It's name was Sally. So Sally was chillin on my workbook, and crawling around my hands and then all of a sudden she just stopped and died! I was so upset but Tal and Jon Jew were laughing at me, saying that that would only happen to me. I guess it is kind of odd to make friends with an ant, but she was so sweet. Anyway, I was upset and the rest of class Tal, Kirsten, and I just dicked around.

Thursday I ditched because, fuck ILP, I did absolutely nothing, it was fabulous. Oh I did move into my new place, pretty awesome. Last night sucked because my phone died and I was all alone on La Rambla getting hassled by all sorts of weirdos. Although, one good thing about last night is that I got to talk to my brother. I still have to unpack and I don't have internet, which is why I'm back at the dorms chillin waiting for free shitty food. Hopefully, tonight would be better, although I did put a good dent in the book I'm reading.

All in all, you guys need to show me some love, because it's lonely in the big city.

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