Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ok ok

Alright I've finally decided to write again. It's been a struggle since this blogger thing has been on the fritz lately. Ok so, I'm going to skip over Thurs. night. Friday I was super hung over and stayed in all day and then tried to get tickets to Madrid with Tal at the train station only to find out that they were completo! So we went back to my house bought cheap bus tickets (over seven hours traveling yikes!) and then got greasy Chinese food. We separated for a few hours and then met up again. We were supposed to go to Razzmatazz with Kirsten, Natalia, and Jenny. First we had to get Jon Jew and pre-drink. Instead of making it down to the club, we just got buzzed and really fucking high... ridiculous. Then we thought it would be a good idea to make hummus because Jon Jew had garbanzos and his dad who was visiting brought him tahini from Israel. It was a true disaster. Tal, who can't cook for shit was just staring at us eating fruit salad and occasionally feeding me some while I was being traumatized by the garlic I was cutting. It was so much fun. Tal and I left Jon Jew's house at like 5 am and on the way home these two guys came up to us and in slurred spanish asked where there was a place open to get something to drink. This guy had to be on E or something, there was no way he was just drunk. Of course this awkward creepiness occured right at the split point for Tal and I, but I made Tal walk with me farther because those guys were shady motherfuckers and I've had too many run-ins with those these last few weeks.

Saturday I was supposed to wake up earlier than normal and go to the beach with Ocea. So much for that, I woke up at 2:45 because Laura texted me saying that her couch surfer was here and she wanted me to come over for a wine and cheese party at 5:30. It was awesome, we bought plates upon plates of tapas and it was the best feast ever. The night after that was a little but of a disaster. We went back to my house to change and to then go to a club in Gracia. Tal texted me wanting to come out with us, but we didn't get to his house until 2! So he was pissed at me, as usual. Then we didn't even go into the club. After we walked down Passeig de Gracia to find some food. Craig was desperate for a Kebab house, which doesn't exist in Spain, just shwarma... damn New Yorkers! There was nothing open so Craig and Laura soon after hopped on the bus to go home and Tal and I were left to search for something to do at 4 am. Everything was closed, but we were so awake and desperate. So we found these clubs on Aribau and I asked in my best sweetest American voice to ask how much it costs (in English) of course we got in for free, because we are just dumb "tourists" and spent until 7 am dancing and making fun of the electronica music by dancing ridiculously. After a few songs this drunk guy decided to get all over me... bah! He was cute at least. The club closed and he wanted me to go home with him, I had barely gotten his name and was beginning to curse Tal for disappearing to the bathroom. I was able to get away and we went across the street to this bar. I found ten euro on the ground and we bought some beers. As soon as we sat down we see a restaurant across from us called "Kebab House" how ironic. We took a picture to show Craig later. We were so persistent on the fact that it didn't exist! Then we left and went home as the night was a success.

Sunday I woke up at 5 and lounged around watching TV. Craig stayed the night because Laura needed to get shit done and we just had a mellow evening of drinking wine and watching TV. Some weekend eh? Well, I finally have pictures for you. To the left is the lake in front of Buckingham Palace and the Palace on the right, got to love gloomy London weather eh? Here are my cousins Josh and Aron before going out. So cute! and look nothing like me... haha. The other pic is of Josh's friends, Paul and Dom, and me.

Ok, here is one of my favs! My cousin David has kids now! So ridiculous, I still can't get over it. He's been a bachelor until 40 and now kids! I know he had kids last time I saw him two years ago, but I still can't get over it. Especially since he didn't come to my cousin Zach's Bar Mitzvah in April, because he comes to Every family event, but now he has kids! Ok I'm done complaining.

The one on right is Emily and Dominic, old old family friend. Their so big now, well at least Dom. Last time I saw him he was half his size. He's so cute and might be coming with Jo to Barca to visit. Emily, some of you might remember when she was in LA before she got sent off to boot camp in Utah. By the bye, Jo has written a book about it and my family and I are in it. If you get the chance pick it up, it's called Laughing Star by Jo Nisbet and it comes out October 15. Get it on Amazon! Do it, if you still want to be my friend! Bah! Off to Madrid tonight to see Jackie Pumpkin King! Nalani if you are reading this, you know who I'm talking about cuz... hahaha!

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