Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On Leaving

It's no attachment to anyone or anything or any place. You're here. You meet single serving people. Create a family, a memory, who knows if the connection stays; but for three or so days that you are in one place, it becomes home. You are sad to say goodbye when you leave, but once you're gone, you're gone completely. You don't miss them or the place. It becomes a memory and an experience, nothing more. The people become another number added to your Facebook friends. Sometimes, they are more. They become real. People you may know forever. People you shared those three special days with, a pact. You never know if they will be these people until you leave them, just like you never know if you'll go back to the same place until you leave it. You keep moving and learning and seeing everything you can and those are the things that stay with you. The things that make traveling different from holiday, because you settle into a nomadic lifestyle. And you realize how easy it is to choose to leave or stay. The dat trippers don't know this because they go back to a stationary life, choosing to stand still and wishing to move, but refusing to take the step or afraid to strike obligation, the sacrifice. People are not meant to be barnacles waiting for adventure to float their way.

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