Friday, December 05, 2008

Tubing in Vang Vieng

Tubing is amazing! We had so much fun. It's bar hopping down the Nam Song river. You float down on an tractor tire inner tube. Some bars have swings where you can jump into the water and most give you free Lao Whiskey with every drink. So you can imagine how ridiculous it gets. One place had a mud pit where people were playing (we skipped that one) and the last place we went to had a fire pit and everyone dancing. We did not make it to the last bar, because it was just too much and we didn't want to float down the river drunker than skunks. An Irish guy hit his head on a rock and had to get stitches... not so much a good idea. He's in good spirits and doing just fine. Unfortunately, we have no pictures to document this event because we didn't get a waterproof camera. Maybe next time.

Since then, we've just been chillin. Said goodbye to Charlene and recovered from tubing. Yesterday we rented a motorcycle to go to the caves. We made a wrong turn and went up a hill. My foot slipped off the break and we fell. Just a few scrapes, but the exhaust hit Alison and she got a burn. She'll be fine, but I don't think we'll be riding on motorcycles for a while. (even though it was so much fun.)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I am so glad that I did similar crazy things on my travels, otherwise I would be freaking out right about now. Keep safe

Anonymous said...

That Clumsy Alison! Who's fault was it?