Thursday, November 06, 2008

Boo for Prop 8 Passing

I'm so happy that Obama won. He truly is the best choice to bring back America to prosperity and stability. My great disappointment in this election was the passing of Proposition 8 in California. I couldn't believe it. I for sure thought that it wasn't going to pass. But lo and behold, it passed. Thank you Utah for being such an ass and pouring money into the Yes on 8 campaign. I hope your happy.

Honestly California. Have we really turned into the conservative schmucks we so greatly abhor? Can we really use the government to regulate how people live their lives? NO!

Two people in love who wish to marry should not and does not affect anyone other than the people immediately surrounding them. What we need more in this country is happy couples, so why would we deny two people their RIGHT to pursue happiness based on what they do in the bedroom. Come on people. Are we so willing to allow our government to stick their grubby hands and long noses into our personal lives? Or wait, maybe the Pledge of Allegiance says "liberty for JUST US and Not all."


Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree with you more.

it's sad that in this day and age, this sort of prejudice still occurs.

Anonymous said...

It should have been Mcain! Everyone knows that!